Hacettepe Üniversitesi
SWAXS (SAXS/WAXS) Laboratuvarı

  1. Makromoleküler Çözeltilerle İlgili Biyo-Informatik Yapı Analizleri Için Swaxs Laboratuvarı Eksikliklerinin Giderilmesi
    TÜBİTAK 1002, Proje No: 117F204
    Proje ekibi: Prof. Dr. Semra İde (Yürütücü), Dr. Ilghar Orujalipoor (Araştırmacı).

  2. Self-Assembly Dye Molecules on Silver Nanoprisms.
    Project No: 2017-3-237-1, Project type: PEC, 5 Shift
    Research Team: Sinan Balci, Semra İde, Ilghar Orujalipoor, Damla Karaarslan, U-Ser jeng, Chun-Jen Su
    Beamline: TLS 23A1 IASW - Small/Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (Pleksitonlarla ilgili SR projesi, Tayvan)

  3. Experimental analysis of aging effects and formation of secondary phases in heat exchanger tubes of the TRIGA research reactor.
    Project No: 2017-3-292-1
    Research Team: Şule Ergün, Semra İde, Solmaz Khankeshizadeh, U-Ser jeng, Chun-Jen Su
    Beamline: TLS 23A1 IASW - Small/Wide Angle X-ray Scattering.

  4. Zamansal Alanda (TD) Katı Hal NMR Tekniği ile Gıda Uygulama Alanlarının Araştırılması: Sihirli Sandviç Eko (SSE) ve Spin Difüzyon (SD) Sekanslarının Alternatif ve Yeni Kalite Kontrol Yöntemleri Geliştirilmesinde Kullanımı.
    TÜBİTAK 1001, TOVAG Proje No: 217O089
    Proje ekibi: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Halil Mecit Öztop (Yürütücü), Prof. Dr. Semra İde, Yrd.Doç. Dr. Beste Bayramoğlu

  5. İTÜ TRIGA Mark II araştırma reaktörü’ne ait ısı değiştirici borularında yaşlanma etkilerinin deneysel yöntemlerle incelenmesi.
    TÜBİTAK 1002, Proje No: 217M179
    Proje ekibi: Doç. Dr. Şule Ergün (Yürütücü), Prof. Dr. Semra İde, Prof. Dr. Üner Çolak, Solmaz Khankeshizadeh (Doktora Öğr.)

  6. Periodontolojide Kullanılan Dermal Greftler, Kemik Greftler ve Kortikal Laminaların Gama Radyasyonuyla Sterilizasyonu
    Hacettepe Üniversitesi, BAB, Kapsamlı Araştırma, Proje Grubu:Tıp Sağlık, ID:12866, TSA-2017-12866
    Proje Ekibi: Araş. Gör. Mine Silindir Günay (Yönetici), Prof.Dr. Rahime Meral Nohutçu, Prof.Dr. Asuman Yekta Özer, Prof.Dr. Semra İde, Doç.Dr. Şeyda Çolak, Yrd.Doç.Dr. Hüseyin Burak Kutlu, Yrd.Doç.Dr. Melike Ekizoğlu, Saharnaz Bargh (Doktora Öğr.)

  7. Kronik periodontitis hastalarında kök sementi salya staterin ve alfa amilaz nano yapılarının incelenmesi
    Hacettepe Üniversitesi, BAB, Hızlı Destek, Proje Grubu:Tıp Sağlık, ID:15177
    Proje Ekibi: Prof.Dr. Ferda Alev Akalın(Yönetici), Prof.Dr. Semra İde, Doç.Dr. Ahmet Atla Ertan, Arş.Gör. Hanife Merva Parlak

  8. Tuzluluk Sıcaklık ve Yükseltiye UV Bağlı Olarak Değişen Ekolojik Koşulların Zooplankton Tür Çeşitliliği Yoğunluğu ve Biyoması Üzerine Etkisinin Mikroskobik ve Nanoskobik Olarak İncelenmesi
    Hacettepe Üniversitesi, BAB, Hızlı Destek, FHD-2017-14064, 24.4.2017-24.4.2018
    S. İDE (Araştırmacı)

  9. Kuazi kristal malzemelerin tıbbı uygulamalarda kullanılabilme potansiyellerinin araştırılması
    Hacettepe Üniversitesi, BAB, FBB-2015-5821, 2015
    S. İDE (Coordinator), I. Orujalipoor, A. Bayırlı, E. H. Şen, B. Çınar, S. Khankeshizadeh,

  10. Fizikokimyasal özelikleri olan yeni tasarım polimer-metal temelli malzemelerin yapısal değişimlerinin ve biyoaktivitelerinin araştırılması
    Hacettepe Üniversitesi, BAB, FHD-2015-7868, 2015
    S. İDE (Coordinator), N. Aksöz, I. Orujalipoor, E. H. Şen, G. Koşarsoy, B. Çınar,

  11. Advanced Structural Analysis in Nano/Micro Scale on Spider Silks Living on Eastern Black Sea Region in Turkey and Northern Region of Taiwan
    TÜBİTAK 1001 - KBAG 214Z049 , 2015
    T. Türkeş (Coordinator), S. İde, O. Seyyar, H. Demir, Y. Özcan

  12. Micro and nanoscale characterization of structural modifications induce by diagenesis in bone mineral and organic structures of archaeological human skeletal remains from different excavation sites in Turkey
    TÜBİTAK 1001 - 114K272, 2014
    S. Bayarı (Coordinator), S. İde, K. Özdemir, Scholar: Ilghar Orujalipoor

  13. Installation of flow-cell equipment in X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) system and the usage of this equipment in investigation of structural interaction between porous materials and fluids.
    TÜBİTAK, 113F014, 2013
    S. İde (Coordinator), L. Yıldırım, B. F.Kaynak, Y. Özcan, Scholars: Ilghar Orujalipoor, Ahmet Bayırlı

  14. Completion of the sample preperation equipments for SAXS/WAXS (small and wide angle x-ray scattering) analysis and the usage of these equipments for the structural analysis of quasicrystals.
    S. İde (Coordinator), A. Vercin, B. F.Kaynak, Scholars:  E.H. Soylu Şen, Caner Tükel

  15. Structural characterization of polymer coated nanomagnetic particles (in solution ) by using SWAXS ( Small and wide angle X-ray Scattering) method in their aqueous solutions
    TUBİTAK 109T016, 2010
    S. İde (Coordinator), Engin Tıraşoğlu, Leyla Yıldırım, Yusuf Özcan, Scholar: Elif Hilal Soylu

  16. Nanostructural Analysis on Spider Silks Produced by Families of Araneida and Gnaphosidae (Araneae) Living in Fauna of Black Sea Region in Turkey
    TUBİTAK 107T017, 2007
    S. İde (Coordinator), M.F. Sargon, O. Mergen, T. Türkeş, Ö. Çelik, Y. Özcan, N.Kocatepe

  17. Computer Purchase for CAD4 Single Crystal Diffractometer and Its Automatic Controlling
    TÜBİTAK 106T484, 2007
    Süheyla Özbey, Engin Kendi, Semra İde

  18. Motor and Body Designs of A Solar Car
    HACETTEPE UNIV.  Scientific Research Unit/ 06, 2006
    S.İde (Coordinator), Ş. Çolak, E. Tanır, K. Bayar

  19. Construction of SWAXS system
    HACETTEPE UNIV.  Scientific Research Unit/ 06A602012, 2006
    S.İde (Coordinator ), E. Kendi, S. Özbey, M. Gümüşderelioğlu, Y. Özcan, B. Kaynak,  A. Gönen Karakeçili

  20. Education and Organization Activities of Turkish SESAME Users
    TAEK (Turkish Atomic Energy Institute) Project, 2006
    E. Kendi,  Z. Sayers, S. Özbey, S.İde, E. Özdaş, L. Yıldırım, M. Aslantaş, B. Kalkan, B. Kaplan, F.K. Çolak

  21. Synthesis of Schiff Base Transtition Metal Complexes and Investigation of Their Crystal Structures
    ANKARA ÜNV. Proje No. 20010705049.
    S.G. Öztaş, N. Ancın, M. Tüzün, S.İde

  22. Structural Investigation of Sedative and Hypnotic Medicine Compounds Including Different Substituents Binding to Main 2,4,6-Trioxohexahydropryrimidine Molecular Structure
    HACETTEPE UNIV.  Scientific Research Unit/ 01.02.602.002
    S.İde (Coordinator), S.Bayarı, Y. Özcan, E. Şahin

  23. Investigation of Structural Behaviors and In-vitro Interactions of Some Antideppressan Compounds
    HACETTEPE UNIV.  Research Fund/ 00.02.704.001
    S. Bayarı, S.İde

  24. Investigation of Crystal and Molecular Structures of Some Metal Complexes and Bioactive Compounds by Single Crystal XRD method
    HACETTEPE UNIV.  Research Fund/ 99.01.602.001
    Engin Kendi, Süheyla Özbey, Semra İde, Leyla Yıldırım, Betül Kaynak

  25. Increasing of Disc Capasity of Computer Controlled 4-Axes X-ray Diffractomer System
    TBAG-AY/167, 1998.
    S. Özbey, Engin Kendi, Semra İde, Betül Kaynak

  26. Investigations of Some Drug-drug Interactions by IR Spectroscopy Technique and X-ray Diffraction Method
    HACETTEPE UNIV.  Research Fund/ 97.01.602.003
    Arzu Topaçlı, Semra İde, Tülay Ulusoy

  27. X-ray Structure Analysis of Some Bioactive Compounds
    TÜBITAK/ TBAG-1621
    Semra İde (Coordinator), Bilge Şener

  28. Installation of A New Computer Controlled 4-Axes X-ray Diffractomer System
    DPT/TÜBİTAK, TBAG-1, 1993
    Dinçer Ülkü, Engin Kendi, Süheyla Özbey, Tuncer Hökelek, Semra İde, Filiz Ercan

  • Characterization and Production of Extracellular Polysaccharides (EPS) by Bacillus Pseudomycoides U10,
    K. B. Solmaz, Y. Ozcan, N.M. Dogan, O. Bozkaya, S.Ide
    (2018) Environments, Vol.5, Issue 6, 63

  • Structural studies on Demospongiae sponges from Gokceada Island in the Northern Aegean Sea,
    S.H. Bayari, E.H. Sen, S. Ide, B. Topaloglu,
    (2018) Spect. Acta A: Mol. Bıomol. Spect., Vol.192, 368-377

  • Synthesis, characterization, single crystal structure and theoretical studies of trans-Ni(II)-complex with dithiophosphonate ligand,
    M. Karakus, I. Kara, O. Celik, I. Orujalipoor, S. Ide, H. Yilmaz,
    (2018) J.MOL.STRUCT. Vol. 1163, 128-136

  • GISAXS analysis of Ge nanoparticles embedded ZnO thin films: The effect of oxygen partial pressure and thermal process on the nanostructured aggregations
    B.C. Bam, S.Ide, A. Keilbach, A. Ceylan
    (2017) Materials Science in Semiconductor, Processsing, Vol. 71, 145-150

  • Yielding Behavior of Tough Semicrystalline Hydrogels
    Ç. Bilici, S.İde, O. Okay
    (2017) Macromolecules, DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.7b00507

  • Supramolecular GAG-like Self-Assembled Glycopeptide Nanofibers Induce Chondrogenesis and Cartilage Regeneration
    S. Ustun Yaylaci, M. Sardan Ekiz, E. Arslan, N. Can, E. Kilic, H. Ozkan, I. Orujalipoor, S. Ide, A. B. Tekinay, and M. O. Guler
    (2016) Biomacromolecules, p. acs.biomac.5b01669

  • Virus-like nanostructures for tuning immune response: Shape does matter
    R. Mammadov, G. Cinar, H. Kayhan, S. Tohumeken, A. E. Topal, I. Orujalipoor, A. Dana, S. Ide, A. B. Tekinay, M. O. Guler
    (2015) Nat. Publ. Gr., pp. 1–15

  • Self-Assembled and Nanostructured Copolymer Aggregations of the Tertiary Amine Methacrylate Based Triblock Copolymers
    Y. Özcan, I. Orujalipoor, Y.-C. Huang, V. Bütün, and U.-S. Jeng
    (2015) Anal. Lett., vol. 2719, no. June, pp. 2693–2707

  • Nano structural analysis of a lyotropic liquid crystal (TTAB + water + decanol ternary) system by salt (NH4Br) addition
    Ö.Masalcı, N. Kazancı, I.Orujalipoor Kalkhoran, S. İde
    (2015) Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 609:1, 70-79, DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2014.957476

  • Self-Assembled Peptide Amphiphile Nanofibers and PEG Composite Hydrogels as Tunable ECM Mimetic Microenvironment
    M. Goktas, G. Cinar, I.Orujalipoor, S.İde, A.B. Tekinay, O. Güler
    (2015) BIOMACROMOLECULES, 16(4), 1247-1258

  • Micro and Nanoscale Structures of Mesiodens Dentin: Combined Study of FTIR and SAXS/WAXS Techniques
    O. Martı Akgun, S. H. Bayarı, S.Ide, G.G.Polat, I. Orujalipoor
    (2014) MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE Volume: 78 Issue: 1 Pages: 52-58

  • Nano and Micro Structures of SEBS/PP/Wax Composite Membranes: SAXS and WAXS Analysis
    K. Polat, I.Orujalipoor Kalkhoran, S. İde, M. Şen
    (2014) Journal of Polymer Engineering, 35(2), 151-157. DOI: 10.1515/polyeng-2014-0093

  • Experimental and computational study on 2,2 '-[(1E,2E)-hydrazine-1,2-diylidenedi(1E)eth-1-yl-1-ylidene]diphenol and its Ni(II), Pt(II), Pd(II) complexes
    S. Alyar , N. Özbek, S. Öztürk Yıldırım , S. İde
    (2014) Spectrochimica Acta Part A, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 130:198-207

  • TiO2 nanocomposites: Preparation, characterization, mechanical and biological properties
    G. Kosarsoy,, E.Hilal Şen , N. Aksöz , S. İde, H. Aksoy
    (2014) Applied Surface Science, Vol 318, 269-274

  • Single and multilayered a-SiOx:H (x < 1) thin film samples analyzed by optical absorption and small-angle X-ray scattering
    Akın Bacıoglu, Ural Kazan, Semra Ide
    (2014) Materials Chemistry and Physics, 146 , 425-430

  • SAXS and WAXS analysis of MgO doped ZnO nanostructured ceramics grown on Si and glass substrate
    Ilghar Orujalipoor, Arda Aytimur, Caner Tükel, Semra İde, İbrahim Uslu
    (2014) Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology , 70 , 125-132

  • Formulation and Characterization of Liquid Crystal Systems Containing Azelaic Acid for Topical Delivery
    Merve Aytekin, R. Neslihan Gursoy, Semra Ide, Elif Hilal Soylu, Sueda Hekimoglu
    (2013) Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 39 (2), 228-239

  • Micellization Behavior of Tertiary-Amine-Methacrylate-Based Block Copolymers Characterized by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering and Dynamic Light Scattering
    Y. Özcan; S. İde, V. Bütün, U-Ser Jeng, Ying-Huang Lai, Chiu-Hun Su,
    (2013) Materials,Chemistry and Physics, 138 559-564.

  • SWAXS Analysis on Some Quasicrystalline Alloys: Nanoclusters and Nano-aggregates
    Caner Tükel, Semra İde, Leyla Yıldırım, Mehmet Erbudak,
    (2013) Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 581, Pages 860-866.

  • Annealing of Co-Cr Dental Alloy: Effects on Nanostructure and Rockwell Hardnes
    S. Ayyıldız, E.H. Soylu, S.İde, S. Kılıç, C. Sipahi, B. Pişkin, H.S. Gökçe,
    (2013)J. Adv. Prosthodont. 5, 471-478.

  • Investigation of adhesive-dentin interfaces using Raman microspectroscopy and Small Angle X-ray Scattering
    Sevgi Haman Bayarı, Christoph Krafft, Semra İde,  Jürgen Popp, Gunseli Guven, Zafer C. Cehreli, Elif Hilal Soylu
    (2012) J.Raman Spectroscopy, vol 43, Issue 1, 6-15.

  • Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomagnetite Particles and Their Polymer Coated Forms
    Guldem Utkan,  Filiz Sayar, Pinar Batat, Semra  Ide, Manfred Kriechbaum, Erhan Piskin
    (2011) Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 353, 372-379.

  • Structural characterization of a variety of spider silks from Turkey using different biophysical techniques
    Semra İde, Sevgi Haman Bayarı, Tuncay Türkeş, Y.Orhan Mergen, Ömer Çelik, Vural Bütün, Mustafa F. Sargon, Neslihan Kocatepe, Manfred Kriechbaum
    (2011) Spectroscopy, 25, 155-167.

  • ECM25, Istanbul Turkey, August 2009
    E. Kendi, John R. Helliwell, S.Özbey, S.Ide,
    (2010) International Union of Crystallography Newsletter, Vol 18, No1, 11-13

  • ECM25, Istanbul Turkey, August 2009
    E. Kendi, John R. Helliwell, S.Özbey, S.Ide,
    (2010) International Union of Crystallography Newsletter, Vol 18, No1, 11-13

  • Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and X-ray single crystal structures of trans Bis [ 4–methoxyphenyl (3-methylbutyl) dithiophosphinato ] nickel(II) and Bis[4- methoxyphenyl(3-methylbutyl)dithiophosphinato]cobalt(II) complexes
    Ertuğrul Gazi Sağlam, Ömer Çelik, Hamza Yılmaz, Semra İde, Nurcan Acar
    (2010) Transition Metal Chemistry, 35, 399-405, DOI 10.1007/s11243-010-9341-6

  • Synthesis, Characterizations, biological activities of dimethyltin(IV) complexes of Schiff bases with ONO-type donors
    Nurşen Altuntaş Öztaş, Gülgün Yenişehirli, Nilgün Ancın, Selma Gül Öztaş, Yusuf Özcan, Semra İde,
    (2009) Spectrochimica Acta Part A.Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. Vol: 72, Sf:929-935.

  • Synthesis, crystallographic and spectral studies of 3-(4-(Phenylamino)Phenylamino) Cyclohex-2-Enone
    Mahir Timur, Gülten Kavak, Hülya Şenöz, Semra İde, Nazan Tunoğlu
    (2009) Journal of Chemical Crystallography, DOI 10.1007/s10870-009-9664-3

  • Structure, antibacterial activity and theoretical study of 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde-N-methyethanesulfonylhydrazone
    Neslihan Özbek, Gülten Kavak, Yusuf Özcan, Semra İde, Nurcan Karacan
    (2009) Journal of Molecular Structure, 919 154-159

  • Mucopolysaccharidosis type I ( Hurler syndrome): Oral and radiographic findings and ultrastructural/chemical features of enamel and dentin
    G. Guven, Z.C. Cehreli, C. Altun, M. Şençimen, S.Ide, S. H. Bayarı, Ş. Karaçay,
    (2008) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, Vol 105, Issue 1, 72-78.

  • Synthesis and crystallographic structure studies of N-[5-methylisoxazole amino-3-yl]-3,5-ditert-butylsalicylaldimine
    Ö. Çelik, M. Ulusoy, E. Taş, S. İde,
    (2007) Analytical Sciences, Vol.23, x185

  • Synthesis and characterization of diorganotin(IV) complexes of tridentate Schiff bases:crystal structure of [N-(3-hydroxypyridine-2-yl)-5-chlorosalicylideneiminato] dimethyltin(IV)
    N. Ancın, S.G. Öztaş, S.İde,
    (2007) Structural Chemistry, vol.18. ,667-675.

  • Synthesis, structural and spectral studies of N,N’-bis-(5-methylsalicylidene)-2,2 diamino- 4-, 4’-di(trifloromethyl)-diphenyl disulfide
    N. Ancın, Ö. Çelik, S.G. Öztaş, S.İde,
    (2007) Structural Chemistry, vol.18. , 347-352.

  • Synthesis, Molecular structure, optical properties and electrical conductivity of Zwitterionic ferrocenyldithiophosphonates
    M. Karakus, Y. Aydogdu, O. Celik, V. Kuzucu, S.Ide, E. Hey-Hawkins
    (2007) Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 633, 405-410.

  • Synthesis and crystallographic structure studies of N-[5-methylisoxazole amino-3-yl]-3,5-ditert-butylsalicylaldimine
    Ö. Çelik, M. Ulusoy,  E.Taş, S. İde,
    (2007) Analytical Sciences, Vol.23, x185, 3s.

  • Synthesis and Vibrational Spectroscopic Studies of Isonicotinamide Metal (II) Halide Complexes
    A. Atac, S. Yurdakul, and S. Ide
    (2006) J. Mol. Struct. , 788, 89-87.

  • 6-[3-Phenyl-5-(trifuluoromethyl)pyrazol-1-yl]pyridazin-3(2H)-one
    N. Dilek, B. Güneş, E. Şahin, S. İde, S. Ünlü
    (2006) Acta Cryst., E62, o446-o448.

  • Synthesis and Crystal Structural Analysis of a [n-(2-Hydroxy-1-Naphthylidene)Histidine Schiff Base
    İ. Şakıyan, Y.Özcan, S. İde,
    (2006) C.B.U. JOURNAL of SCIENCE, 2.2 , 99-105.

  • Crystal Structure of a histidine Schiff Base
    Y. Özcan, I. Şakıyan, S. İde,
    (2005) Acta Cryst. A61, C289.

  • Structural Features of Some Schiff base Disulfide Compounds
    Ö. Çelik, N. Ancın, S. G. Öztaş, S. İde,
    (2005) Acta Cryst.A61, C288.

  • Bis{µ-[O-cyclopentyl(4-methoxyphenyl)dithiophosphonato]1 K:S 2 K S•-[O-cyclopentyl(4-methoxyphenyl)dithiophosphonato]-1 K2S,S_}dicadmium(II)
    M. Karakus, H. Yilmaz, Y.Özcan and S. Ide
    (2004) Appl.Organomet. Chem. 18, 141-142

  • Dibromobis(phthalazin-κN2)zinc(II)
    Ö. Çelik, S.İde , M.Kurt , Ş.Yurdakul
    (2004) Acta Cryst. , E60, m424-m425

  • Synthesis, crystal and molecular structures of [Bis(phthalazine)dichloroZinc(II)
    Ö. Çelik, S.İde , M.Kurt , Ş.Yurdakul
    (2004) Acta Cryst. , E60, m1134-m1136

  • Structure of 2-phenyl-2H-phtalazine-1-one
    N.Dilek, B.Güneş, S.İde, Y.Özcan, H.Tezcan
    (2004) Anal.Science Vol.20. x 157-158.

  • Highly brominated biphenylenes as precursors for the convenient synthesis of 5,6,8,10-tetrabromobenzocyclooctene
    A. Tutar, O. Çakmak, M. Karakaş, A.Onal, S.Ide
    (2004) J. Chem. Res.,Vol. No 8. 545-549.

  • Synthesis , Spectroscopic and structural Studies on metal halide complexes of isonicotinamide
    Ş.Yurdakul, A.Ataç, E.Şahin, S.İde,
    (2003) Vib.Spect. 31, 41-49.

  • Structural and spectroscopic characteristics of two new dibenzylbutane type ligands from Taxus baccata L.
    N. Erdemoglu, B. Sener, Y. Ozcan, S. Ide,
    (2003) J. Mol. Struct. 655 459-466.

  • Structure and Characterization of N-(2-Hydroxy-1-naphthylidene)threonine
    Y. Özcan, S. İde, İ. Şakiyan, E. Logoglu,
    (2003) J. Mol.Struct. 658 207-213.

  • Crystal Structure of 2,2-Dimethyl Succinic Acid
    Y. Özcan, Ş. Osmanoğlu, S. İde,
    (2003) Analytical Sciences Nov., vol. 19(8),1221-1222.

  • Fourier transform infrared spectra and molecular structure of 5-methoxytryptamine,N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine and N-phenylsulfonamide-5-methoxytryptamine
    S. Bayarı, S.İde,
    (2003) Spectrochim. Acta, A 59 , 1255-1263

  • Synthesis, structure and spectroscopy of Bis(2-(2-mercaptophenyl)imino-4-pentanato)dinickel(II)
    N.Ancın, S.İde, S.G. Öztaş,  M.Tüzün,
    (2002) J.Mol.Struct. 606, 45-50.

  • Spectral and structural studies of Ni(II) and Zn(II) complexes of N-trans-cinnamylidene-2-mercaptoaniline
    N.Ancın, S. İde, S.G. Öztaş, M.Tüzün, E. Şahin
    (2002) J.Mol Struct., 608, 89-93.

  • Synthesis, structural and spectral studies of Bis-N-(2,4-dimethoxy benzylidene)-2-mercaptoanilinato Ni(II)
    E. Şahin, S. İde, N. Ancın, S.G. Öztaş, M. Tüzün
    (2002) Z. Kristallogr., 217,174-177.

  • Crystal and Molecular Structures or trans-Nickel(II)-bis[(O-propyl)-(p-methoxyphenyl)dithiophosphonate]
    Y. Özcan, S.İde, M. Karakuş, H. Yılmaz,
    (2002) The Japan Society Analytical Chemistry, Vol 18 (11), 1285-1286.

  • Trans-Bis[O-2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl(4-methoxyphenyl)dithiophosphonato-K2S,S’]nickel(II)
    Y.Özcan, S.İde, M.Karakuş, H. Yılmaz
    (2002) Acta Cryst. C58, m388-m389.

  • Structural Features of Dibromobis (nicotinamide) zinc(II) complex
    E. Şahin, S. İde, A. Ataç, Ş. Yurdakul
    (2002) J.Mol.Struct. 616, 2002, p. 253-258.

  • Structural Investigation of Dichlorobis (benzimidazole) zinc(II) complex
    E. Şahin, S. İde, M.Kurt, Ş. Yurdakul
    (2002) Z. Kristtallogr. 218 (2003) 385-387

  • Crystal structure of ethyle 4-(2-oxobenzothiazolin-3-yl)butane, C13H15NO3S
    F. Baysen, R.Yağbasan, S. İde, E.şahin, B. çakır, Y. Dündar.
    (2002) Z.Kristallogr. NCS 217, 529-530.

  • Structural and Spectral Studies of N-(3-hydroxypyridine-2-yl)salicylideneimine and N-(3- hydroxypyridine-2-yl)-5-bromosalicylideneimine and their dimethyltin(IV) complexes
    S. G. Öztaş, E. Şahin, N. Ancın, S.İde, M. Tüzün ,
    (2002) Z. Kristallogr.,218 (2003) 492- 496.

  • Structural and spectral studies of some coordination complexes of Ni(II) with N-benzylidene-2-mercaptoaniline derivatives
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  • Structural features of two Taxoids from Taxus baccata L. Growing in Turkey
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  • Spectroscopic and structural studies on metal halide complexes of 4-vinylpyridine
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  • Crystal and molecular structure of a nickel complex with two monoanionic bidentate Schiff base ligands
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  • (Bis(diphenylphosphino)methane)-(1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane)platinum(II)dibromide
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  • The crystal and molecular structure of 2-dibenzoylmethyl benzimidazole
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  • Spectroscopy and structural studies on Dichlorobis(nicotinamide) Zinc(II)
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  • Crystal structure of 7-acetyl-5-benzoyl-6-phenyl-8-methyl-4,7-dihydro-prazolo-(1,5,c)-1H-pyrimidin-2-one
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  • Crystal structure of 3-Pentanone semicarbazone
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  • Crystal structure of 2,2-exo-3,5,5-exo-6-hexabromobicycloheptane
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  • Structural features of 4,4’-diaminooctafluorobiphenyl
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  • The crystal structure of Platyphylline and molecular conformational analysis of Integerrimine
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  • Structure of exo, endo, exo, exo- 2,3,5,6-tetrabromonorbornane
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  • Crystal structure of bis N-(3,4,5- trimethoxybenzylidene)-2-mercaptoanilinato zinc (II)
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  • Molecular structures of metal complexes with Mefenamic acid
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  • The crystal and molecular structure of two benzimidazole derivatives: 1-(phenylmethyl)-2-(4-methoxyphenylmethyl)-1h-benzimidazole-5-carboxylic acid (I) and 1,2-di(phenylmethyl)-1H-benzimidazole-5-carboxylic acid (II)
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  • Synthesis, redetermination and molecular conformation analysis of the structure of 2,2- diaminodiphenyl disulfide
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  • The crystal and molecular structure of (-)-Crinine x-ray diffraction method and MM2 force field calculations
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  • Structural aspects of 1,2,3,4,4a,8b- Heabromo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydrobiphenylene by x-ray diffraction method and MM2 force field calculations
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  • N, N’-bis-(4-chlorobenzilidene)-2,2’-diaminodiphenyldisulphide
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  • The crystal and molecular structure of 2-(2’-cyano-2’-amido-ethylen)-pyridine
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  • Tautomeric investigations and crystal structure analysis of Chlorzoxazone
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  • The crystal structure of Dibenzoylmethane, C15H12O2 (enol form)
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  • The crystal and molecular structure of an antidepressant drug (Isocarboxazid)
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  • Structural and spectral studies of 2-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-benzothiazole
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  • The crystal and molecular structure of two drug compounds: Tazettine and Corydaldine
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  • The phenylhydrazone form of 2-(4-chlorophenylazo)-1,3-indandione
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  • 2-Methyl-2-(2-methylphenylazo)-1,3-indandione
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  • Structure of methylphenylhydrazone form of 2-(2-methylphenylazo)-1,3-indandione
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  • Nanoyapılı İnce Film Örneklerin, Geçirmeli ve Yüzey Taramalı X-Işını Saçılma Yöntemleri (SAXS-GISAXS) ile İncelenmesi
    Structural Investigation of Nanostructured Thin Film Samples by Using Transmitted and Grazing Incident (SAXS-GISAXS) X-Ray Scattering Methods

  • Structural investigation of rhodopsin molecules and nano disks located inside retina rods of different animal eyes by using x-Ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) methods.
    Ilghar Orujalipoor Kalkhoran, PhD. Thesis
    (2013-2016) Hacettepe University, Institute of Sceince and Engineering, Ankara.

  • Examination of Metallic Alloy Implants Produced by Selective Laser Molding Method via Small and Wide Angle X-Ray Scattering Techniques and Improvement of Production Parameters. ( Seçmeli Lazer Ergitme Yöntemiyle Üretilen Metal Alaşım İmplantların Küçük ve Geniş Açı X-Işını Saçılımı Yöntemleriyle İncelenmesi ve Üretim Parametrelerinin Geliştirilmesi.)
    Ahmet Bayırlı, PhD. Thesis
    (2013-2016) Hacettepe University, Institute of Sceince and Engineering, Ankara.

  • Some mesocrystals with metallic nano-cores: synthesis and structural charactherisation,
    Mustafa Zafet Belirgen, MSc. Thesis
    (2013-2015) Hacettepe University, Institute of Sceince and Engineering, Ankara.

  • Investigation of Some Kind of Spider Webs and Different Magnetic and Metal structures in Aqueous media containing various nano structures with SAXS Method,
    Elif. H. Şen, PhD. Thesis
    (2013) Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Sceince and Engineering, (2. Advisor), Trabzon.

  • Investigation of Some Mono and Multilayer Thin Films Structures by X-ray Scattering and X-ray Diffraction Methods,
    Ural Kazan, MSc. Thesis
    (2012) Hacettepe University, Institute of Sceince and Engineering, Ankara.

  • Characterization of polystyrene or poly (ε-caproloctone) with cylohexene mid-chain polymers and investigation of their temperature-dependent structural behaviors ,
    Ilghar Orujalipoor Kalkhoran, MSc. Thesis
    (2012) Hacettepe University, Institute of Sceince and Engineering, Ankara.

  • Structural Investigation of Some Quasicrystals by X-ray Scattering and X-ray Diffraction Methods
    Caner Tükel, MSc. Thesis
    (2012) Hacettepe University, Institute of Sceince and Engineering, Ankara.

  • Structural investigation of some hydrogels and polymer coated nanomagnetic particles using SAXS method,
    Pınar Batat, MSc. Thesis
    (2008) Hacettepe University, Institute of Sceince and Engineering, Ankara.

  • Structural investigation of novel schizophrenic water soluble block copolymers by using SAXS method,
    Yusuf Özcan, PhD. Thesis
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  • Crystal and molecular structure analysis of metal complexes with phthalazine ligand and some dithiophosphonato complexes,
    Ömer Çelik, PhD. Thesis
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  • Analysis of the crystal structures and molecular conformations of some ligands and their metal complexes by x-ray diffraction and chemical computation methods,
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  • The molecular conformations of some drug compounds which have tricyclo[3,3,1,1,]decane group and crystal structures of two dithiophosphonate nickel complexes,
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    (2002) Hacettepe University, Institute of Sceince and Engineering, Ankara.